Source code for statham.schema.elements.composition

from typing import Any, List, NamedTuple, Optional, TypeVar
from typing_extensions import Literal

from statham.schema.constants import NotPassed
from statham.schema.elements.base import Element
from statham.schema.helpers import remove_duplicates
from statham.schema.exceptions import ValidationError
from import _Property

# This is a type annotation.
Mode = Literal["anyOf", "oneOf", "allOf"]  # pylint: disable=invalid-name
T = TypeVar("T")

[docs]class Not(Element[T]): """JSON Schema ``"not"`` element. Element fails to validate if enclosed schema validates. :param element: The enclosed :class:`~statham.schema.elements.Element`. :param default: Inherited from :class:`~statham.schema.elements.Element`. """ def __init__(self, element: Element, *, default: Any = NotPassed()): self.element = element super().__init__(default=default) def construct(self, value: Any, property_: _Property): try: _ = self.element(value, property_) except (TypeError, ValidationError): return value raise ValidationError.from_validator( property_, value, f"Must not match {self.element}." )
class CompositionElement(Element): """Composition Base Element. The "oneOf", "anyOf" and "allOf" elements share the same interface. :param elements: The composed :class:`~statham.schema.elements.Element` objects. :param default: Inherited from :class:`~statham.schema.elements.Element`. """ mode: Mode def __init__(self, *elements: Element, default: Any = NotPassed()): super().__init__() self.elements = list(elements) if not self.elements: raise TypeError(f"{type(self)} requires at least one sub-schema.") self.default = default @property def annotation(self): annotations = remove_duplicates( elem.annotation for elem in self.elements ) if len(annotations) == 1: return annotations[0] if "Any" in annotations: return "Any" joined = ", ".join(annotations) return f"Union[{joined}]" def construct(self, value: Any, property_: _Property): if not getattr(self, "mode", None): raise NotImplementedError return _attempt_schemas(self.elements, value, property_, mode=self.mode)
[docs]class AnyOf(CompositionElement): """JSON Schema ``"anyOf"`` element. Must match at least one of the provided schemas. :param elements: The composed :class:`~statham.schema.elements.Element` objects. :param default: Inherited from :class:`~statham.schema.elements.Element`. """ mode: Mode = "anyOf"
[docs]class OneOf(CompositionElement): """JSON Schema ``"oneOf"`` element. Must match exactly one of the provided schemas. :param elements: The composed :class:`~statham.schema.elements.Element` objects. :param default: Inherited from :class:`~statham.schema.elements.Element`. """ mode: Mode = "oneOf"
[docs]class AllOf(CompositionElement): """JSON Schema ``"allOf"`` element. Must match all provided schemas. :param elements: The composed :class:`~statham.schema.elements.Element` objects. :param default: Inherited from :class:`~statham.schema.elements.Element`. """ mode: Mode = "allOf" @property def annotation(self): """Get type annotation for element. With an AllOf element, this should be the most restrictive type. On the assumption that the composition is possible, this is chosen by returning the first explicit type annotation, or the first union type annotation if no explicit annotations are present. """ return next( ( elem.annotation for elem in self.elements if elem.annotation != "Any" and not elem.annotation.startswith("Union") ), next( ( elem.annotation for elem in self.elements if elem.annotation != "Any" ), "Any", ), )
class Outcome(NamedTuple): target: Element result: Optional[Any] = None error: Optional[Exception] = None def _attempt_schema( element: Element, value: Any, property_: _Property ) -> Outcome: """Attempt to pass an input to a schema element. :return: An `Outcome` object describing containing success/failure information and a result if successful. """ try: return Outcome(element, result=element(value, property_), error=None) except (TypeError, ValidationError) as exc: return Outcome(element, result=None, error=exc) def _attempt_schemas( elements: List[Element], value: Any, property_: _Property, mode: str = "anyOf", ) -> Any: """Attempt to instantiate a given input against many elements. :param elements: The elements against which to validate. :param property_: The enclosing property. :param value: The data to validate against. :param mode: The matching stategy to use. "allOf", "anyOf" or "oneOf". :return: A list of successful instantiations against `elements`. :raises ValidationError: if there are no matching schemas. :raises ValueError: if passed an invalid mode. """ outcomes = [ _attempt_schema(element, value, property_) for element in elements ] results = [outcome.result for outcome in outcomes if not outcome.error] errors = [outcome.error for outcome in outcomes if outcome.error] if not results: raise ValidationError.combine( property_, value, errors, "Does not match any accepted schema." ) if mode == "anyOf": return results[0] if mode == "oneOf": if len(results) > 1: raise ValidationError.multiple_composition_match( [ for outcome in outcomes if not outcome.error], value, ) return results[0] if mode == "allOf": if errors: raise ValidationError.combine( property_, value, errors, "Does not match all required schemas." ) return results[0] raise ValueError(f"Got bad argument for `mode`: {mode}") # pragma: no cover