Source code for statham.schema.exceptions

from typing import Dict

from statham.schema.constants import JSONElement

[docs]class StathamError(Exception): """Base exception for errors relating to :mod:`statham`."""
[docs]class SchemaDefinitionError(StathamError): """Raised when invalid schemas are declared in model definitions."""
[docs] @classmethod def reserved_attribute(cls, attribute_name: str) -> "SchemaDefinitionError": return cls( f"May not use reserved attribute `{attribute_name}` as a property " "attribute name. Instead use " f"`{attribute_name}_ = Property(<element>, " f"source='{attribute_name}'`" )
[docs]class ValidationError(StathamError): """Raised when JSON Schema validation fails for input data."""
[docs] @classmethod def from_validator(cls, property_, value, message) -> "ValidationError": value_string = ( f"{repr(property_.parent)}.{} = {repr(value)}`" if != "<unbound>" else repr(value) ) return cls(f"Failed validating `{value_string}`. {message}")
[docs] @classmethod def combine( cls, property_, value, exceptions, message ) -> "ValidationError": base_message = str(cls.from_validator(property_, value, "")) error_breakdown = ", ".join(str(exc) for exc in exceptions) error_breakdown = error_breakdown.replace(base_message, "") return cls.from_validator( property_, value, message + f" Individual errors: {error_breakdown}" )
[docs] @classmethod def multiple_composition_match(cls, matching_models, data): return cls( "Matches multiple possible models. Must only match one.\n" f"Data: {data}\n" f"Models: {matching_models}" )
[docs]class SchemaParseError(StathamError): """Raised when parsing JSON Schema documents to statham models."""
[docs] @classmethod def missing_title( cls, schema: Dict[str, JSONElement] ) -> "SchemaParseError": return cls( "No title defined in schema. Use " "`statham.titles.title_labeller` to pre-process the " f"schema: {schema}" )
[docs] @classmethod def unresolvable_declaration(cls) -> "SchemaParseError": return cls( "Schema document has an unresolvable declaration tree. This " "generally occurs due to cyclical references." )
[docs] @classmethod def invalid_type(cls, value): return cls(f"Got invalid type keyword: {value}.")
# pylint: disable=line-too-long
[docs]class FeatureNotImplementedError(SchemaParseError): """Raised when parsing valid JSON Schema features currently unsupported by ``statham``."""
[docs] @classmethod def unsupported_keywords(cls, keywords) -> "FeatureNotImplementedError": return cls( f"The following provided keywords are not supported: {keywords}" )